Cavendish-Weathersfield Roadway Reclaim
Client: Towns of Cavendish and Weathersfield, VT
Project span: 2020-2021
Located on VT Route 131 in Cavendish and Weathersfield, VT this $17M
full-depth roadway reclaim project includes improvements to areas that sustained substantial damage as a result of Tropical Storm Irene. Project elements in 2020 included ledge removal, slope stabilization, stone fill for riverbank stabilization, and the replacement of an existing box culvert. Full-depth roadway reclaim operations are scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2021 and will continue through the Fall. Roadway reclaim operations will include milling the roadway surface, grinding the top 18” of the roadway surface, installing gravel, fine grading the roadway and paving with base, intermediate and final courses of asphalt.
Development of a comprehensive stakeholder list which includes area municipalities, businesses, schools, emergency services, and residents was used in order to send weekly email updates and project alerts to stakeholders and interested parties. EIV has tapped into local organizations with a wide social media outreach in order to disseminate information as widely as possible. Outreach to the local cycling community has been critical as Route 131 is a popular riding route.