Arborist/Landscape Inspection

Client: VT Agency of Transportation
Project span: Ongoing


EIV provides arborist consultation and landscape inspection services for multiple transportation and infrastructure projects throughout the state of Vermont. In 2019, EIV provided inspection and consultation services on the largest scale bioengineered slope stabilization in the State. EIV’s certified arborist provides planting and landscape feedback during design review and consults on VTrans projects during construction. EIV supports the VTrans Environmental Section with review and feedback on standard details and the 2018 specifications. During construction, our staff ensure that appropriate species are installed as required, identifying and preventing issues from occurring in the field.

The expertise of EIV staff, combined with their understanding of environmental permitting, enables EIV to provide quality environmental oversight for transportation and utility projects under construction. Several of our staff serve in the role as Environmental Monitor and EPSC Specialist as required by individual wetland and stormwater permits respectively.